2025 Sponsorship Levels and Benefits


Presenting Sponsor ($20,000)
⮚ Exclusive Sponsor Opportunity
⮚ Reserved dinner seating for 10 with preferential choice of author
⮚ 1 Copy of Selected Author’s Book
⮚ Full-page b/w advertisement in event program
⮚ Sponsorship of a Live! Library program, with personal introduction
⮚ Opportunity to be featured in the Foundation E-news and library digital display


First Edition Sponsor ($10,000)
⮚ Reserved dinner seating for 10 with preferential choice of author
⮚ 1 Copy of Selected Author’s Book
⮚ Full-page b/w advertisement in event program
⮚ Opportunity to be featured in the Foundation E-news and library digital display


Masterpiece Sponsor ($5,000)
⮚ Reserved dinner seating for 8 with preferential choice of author
⮚ Half-page b/w advertisement in event program
⮚ Opportunity to be featured in the Foundation E-news


Classic Sponsor ($2,500)
⮚ Reserved dinner seating for 4 with preferential choice of author
⮚ Quarter-page b/w advertisement in event program


Bestseller Sponsor ($1,000)
⮚ Reserved dinner seating for 2 with preferential choice of author
⮚ B/w logo or listing in event program


All sponsorship levels include:
⮚ Company logo or name recognition in promotional event material and social media
⮚ Hyperlinked company logo or name recognition on event website
⮚ Invitation to exclusive sponsor networking reception
⮚ Tickets to both the reception and dinner

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