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¡Play Library Lotería!
Lotería is a game of chance similar to bingo, but using images instead of numbers or letters. Read a book, do an activity, or check out an item related to the images below. Complete a row, column, or the entire card. Each row or column completed is worth one drawing entry for a prize. Loteria […]
Find out more »10:15 am
Preschool Storytime
Join us for stories and fun fingerplays! Most appropriate for ages 3-5, but all ages are welcome. For special accommodations, please contact the Library with 72 hours notice.
Find out more »4:00 pm
Kids Movie Matinee
Join us for a family-friendly movie afternoon! We will be watching Pokémon Detective Pikachu (2019), rated PG. For special accommodations, please contact the Library with 72 hours notice.
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