Dear Friends,
These are extraordinary times!
The pandemic has reminded us of how much we cherish the ability to be together and interact as a community – something we once took for granted.
There is no better symbol of that togetherness than our public libraries. Here in Walnut Creek, our two libraries have been our community’s living rooms – places where we can gather and enjoy a broad variety of activities. Kids can play and learn, teenagers can do school projects and relax with video games together, and adults can attend programs and research their ancestry. And anyone can relax with a book, magazine or website.
Consider the inspiring story of Walnut Creek resident Tineke Jacobsen. Tineke always valued her library experiences and felt they were especially important during the pandemic. She recently made her first donation to the Walnut Creek Library Foundation by buying raffle tickets to support our libraries. Tineke found herself the lucky winner of an “instant wine cellar” – thirty-six bottles of premium wines donated by Foundation board members and friends, and a Total Wine & More tasting party for 20.
Tineke appreciates the library’s online children’s programs. She and her granddaughter participated in the “Cat and Cacti” program, which was done in collaboration with the Ruth Bancroft Gardens, while on Zoom with her other granddaughters in Santa Clara and Seattle. They loved the final results and enjoyed bonding through this creative experience. Tineke also downloaded the library’s Libby app so she can read books online, as well as, a service the library offers free to cardholders where she can take online courses. As she says, “There is so much to learn and the library is a great facilitator.”
Tineke’s granddaughters with their cat creations.
As Tineke’s story illustrates, even during Covid, our libraries continue to create community by providing books, resources, online programs and activities for people of all ages. The Walnut Creek Library Foundation has continued to fund these essential community services, thanks to the generosity of donors like you. Simply put, public funds make our libraries possible, but your contributions bring them to life and make them hum.
We need your help now more than ever. The pandemic has limited our ability to raise the money we need to ensure that our libraries can continue their virtual programing and resume in-person activities once they are able to reopen. Donations made in 2020 might enable you to qualify for special tax benefits under the CARES Act. Consult your tax advisor to see if this can help. Please consider joining Tineke and the many other library fans in Walnut Creek by making a contribution now.
Please make an online donation or sign up to receive our bi-weekly e-news, filled with information about what’s happening at our libraries.
Thank you for your support,
Kathy Hicks
Board President